Thursday, April 30, 2009

Preach On Sista!

Having It All, by Taees, is absolutely wonderful.  It is something every goal-pursuing women should read to level their selves.  Taees has brilliantly described how women differ from men in the pursuit to obtain what is basically inevitable. She even begins with something many of us [women] constantly face everyday- exposure of being fabulous while multitasking. As if trying to find time for work, school, home, and motherhood isn't hard enough, I have to look effortlessly great as well?! HA! If only it was that simple.

In her effort to discuss her point she compares her experiences with the "non-gay" men she knows of and their priorities.  She describes their priorities in four simple steps with all fall back into the first two- which involve money and sex.  Taees then divulges on how appearances play a role in men's lives. Basically, the complication involved in men's appearances seems to be relatively similar to their priorities- almost effortless. Her different comparisons, in describing how simplistic it is for men, allow her to effectively use humor to emphasize her point- this is an example of pathos.  

As the blog goes on she starts to depict the different aspects women become consumed in fulfilling. She sums up all of these sub points into one word- ambitious. Taees own list, concerning her career options alone, is consisted of many ambitious ambitions.  Describing her experiences and everyday sacrifices to fulfill her many goals portrays her to be creditable which is also called ethos.

But as the conclusion comes about, especially since the writer's exhausted is becoming triumphant, it is obvious that ambitious women need to stop believing in the fallacies of having it all. The entirety of this blog is a prime example of logos that women should consider. It is just not possible to [happily] obtain it all, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just another thing we woman can add to (in my case natural) childbirth. 

Related Readings:

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